
该应用程序“ PairPods”的Beta版本,它使您可以在连接到Mac的两个蓝牙音频设备之间共享音频,例如共享iPhone音频。有关更多详细信息,请参见下文。

苹果于2019年10月发布「IOS13.1」将Apple AirPods或Beats Wireless耳机连接到一台iPhone,以共享Apple Music,TV和其他第三方应用程序上播放的音频。「」我已经实现了该功能,但是




PairPods是由高通的前硬件工程师开发的,2017年,Stephen Hawking教授的演讲仿真器以及CallText 5010语音合成器。发展英国是Pawel Wozniak要使用PairPods,请从官方网站/GITHUB存储库下载并安装该应用程序,然后将AirPods,Beats和其他通用蓝牙耳机和两个扬声器连接到MacOS设置应用程序中。


接下来,当您启动PairPods应用程序时,PairPods应用程序图标将显示在菜单栏中,因此请参阅下面[共享音频命令 + s这是给出的只需单击连接到Mac(虚拟音频)的两个音频设备即可。PairPods输出设备)将提供相同的音频。

The system requirements for PairPods are for Intel/Apple Silicon Macs on macOS 13.5 Ventura or later, and as it is in the Beta version stage, functions such as adjusting the individual volume of Bluetooth audio devices and switching devices when three or more devices are connected are not implemented, but the source code is published as open source (MIT), and the app is published in the GitHub repository with a developer signature and notarized, so if you want to share audio on a Mac, give it a try.

brew install --cask pairpods